Mint team is looking for beta Testers for new CDN delivery system.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
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The Following was posted on the LM forum from Clem.
those here that use Mint may be interested.

Good find @kc1di

My Software sources now looks like the below...

yep I'm using it also. Working fast and well. :)
One day, the base will change as well.
I doubt it'll make much of a difference for me. I'll save the bandwidth for the rest of you!
Thank you !
I do appreciate a good CDN. Use of a CDN is why my Linux Tips site should load reasonably quickly anywhere on the globe. It means you're accessing a local cache of the site rather than visiting the site's actual server in NYC, USA.

It's an additional expense, but one that I think is worth it.

I can see justification for doing this for this application. This was previously dealt with by picking a mirror that was in your geographic region, or at least one that responded quickly. A CDN should automate that, though that much bandwidth through a CDN is going to be expensive. As they're a non-profit, maybe they're getting the service gratis.
Dave, thanks for sharing, but just a heads up that the title could be misleading.

It's not about Beta Testing a distro release, but rather about trying a CDN - Content Delivery Network , here a difference to the usual download (update) mirror servers.

That being said, I will give it a try on my tomorrow.


Dave, thanks for sharing, but just a heads up that the title could be misleading.

It's not about Beta Testing a distro release, but rather about trying a CDN - Content Delivery Network , here a difference to the usual download (update) mirror servers.

That being said, I will give it a try on my tomorrow.


Thanks Chris, Changed the tittle ;)
Also be aware if you have a local repository enabled you will have to change that to the original before making the changes in the blog. But since changing here yesterday it's been working great.
I tested it yesterday, both http and https mirror. Everything works fine.
Also be aware if you have a local repository enabled you will have to change that to the original before making the changes in the blog.

Just to qualify that, I have run experiments (stirring wizard's cauldron ;) )

Once you have changed to the default and used the commands to add fastly to your sources list, you can come back and choose a local mirror for the base (Ubuntu) component. Brian @Condobloke may be interested in this.

I conducted my tests on Linux Mint 21.1 'Vera', and I ran the time command each time for my updates. I then used Timeshift to restore to the previous and alter settings again, and run updates.

The times for my tests were as follows:

  • 2m36s with both mirrors local Aussie
  • 2m29s with fastly for Mint and UK server (default) for base (Ubuntu)
  • 2m21s with fastly for Mint and a local Aussie server for base (Ubuntu)
So 7 seconds up to 15 seconds improvement, once you introduce the fastly CDN element. Not huge, but perhaps valuable, and it may well improve.

I also ran the same tests on a LInux Mint 20.0 'Ulyana' and that produced similar outcomes, so I expect we will find it works for all Minties from Ulyana to Virginia.


I had similar response times here also but about a 10 sec improvement over all. In any event not earth shattering but an improvement.
For those who are perhaps a bit turned off by the initial set up requirements.... the below command will instantly put the fastly mirror into the official mirrors list

To add fastly to the mirrors list in mint sources you can execute this command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "\n" >> /usr/share/mint-mirrors/linuxmint.list'

if you wish to get rid of fastly from the mirrors this command:

apt install --reinstall mint-mirrors

That will revert the change and restore the official mirrors list.
I never try anything Beta...I can wait till any bugs that might pop up are fixed.
I never try anything Beta...I can wait till any bugs that might pop up are fixed. View attachment 19957
I have been using Fastly since it was announced and it' been working without any problems. But I understand that some will wait and that is fine also. :)

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